There’s Nobody’s Like You. Think about the good things about you and try to steer clear of the “comparison” mindset. Comparing yourself to somebody else isn’t a positive experience. It isn’t productive. And it doesn’t motivate you to take better care of your body.
Focus on your positive attributes and learn to value the immeasurable worth of your mind, body and spirit working together to create that perfect person: you! Don’t ever let your day be positive or negative based on how you think you look. That rarely—if ever—matches what others think of us.
Be Reasonable.
When it comes to staying the course, balance is key. If you hit a bump in the road, don’t lose heart. You won’t always be able to skip dessert, and occasionally you’ll miss a workout or two. Just pick up where you left off, because you’re the one in charge, and you’re the one who with the power to improve your health, no matter what obstacles life may present. Remember that the game isn’t over by any means – It’s just begun!
When it comes to staying the course, balance is key. If you hit a bump in the road, don’t lose heart. You won’t always be able to skip dessert, and occasionally you’ll miss a workout or two. Just pick up where you left off, because you’re the one in charge, and you’re the one who with the power to improve your health, no matter what obstacles life may present. Remember that the game isn’t over by any means – It’s just begun!