The NextFit may be just the thing to spice up your fitness routine. Plug the device into your PC's USB port, answer questions about your fitness level and goals, and it will suggest a custom workout for you. Based on your results, the exercise regimens will increase in difficulty.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meet Your Your Trainers

Everyone has good intentions when it comes to fitness and exercise, but that’s not always enough. NextFit gives you access to the top trainers in the world, to help you get motivated, stay focused and reach your goals.
Whether you want to walk outdoors with fitness legend Kathy Smith, or get six-pack abs with Hollywood’s top trainers, NextFit will help you find the personal trainer that gets you results.
Note: All of our workouts were designed specifically for NextFit by THESE trainers:
Adriene Reed, Al Bingham, Alycea Ungaro, Bas Rutten, Bobby Strom, Bryan Haycock, Chris Kluge, David Kirsch, Debbee Sharpe, Desiree Summers, Dori Townsend, Gunther Schlierkamp, James Herrera, Jari Love, Jeanette Jenkins, Jeff Galloway, Jim Ryno, Jimmy Pena, Joel Harper, Kathy Kaehler, Kathy Smith, Kent Burden, Kimberly Garrison, LaRaine Chabut, Leigh Crews, Linda Shelton, Mark Blanchard, Melanie Douglass, Michael George, Mike Young, Ron Mathews, Steve Jordon, Teddy Bass, Tim Misewicz, Tricia Temple, Yumi Lee
NextFit’s advanced workout engine creates custom workouts for you using each trainer’s unique formula and style.

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